Dynamic loading of locally stored images with react native

隐身守侯 提交于 2021-01-28 06:44:40


Problem with dynamic loading of image resources within a loop/list.

I have all my static local resources required as such:


const images = {
  appLogo: require('./app-logo.png'),

  cardOne: require('./cards/card-1.png'),
  cardTwo: require('./cards/card-2.png'),
  cardForty: require(./cards/card-40.png)

export default images;

Then in my list screen:

import images from '../assets/images';
renderListItems(item) {

    const image_name = `images.card${item.cardName}`;
    console.log(image_name); // images.cardOne, images.cardTwo etc..

    return (
        <ListItem avatar>
            <Thumbnail square size={80} source={image_name} /> // This is nativebase component which wraps the RN image component
                <NBIcon name="arrow-forward" />

No resources get loaded. Yet if I change the source={image_name} to source={images.cardOne} directly (where images.cardOne is the exact same as image_name variable on the first iteration) it works - except for the fact that they all have the same image.

I also tried using {{ uri: image_name }} syntax but nothing happens there too.

There doesn't seem to be any solution to this, other than creating a massive switch statement


Well that's because image_name is a string with the value of images.cardOne whereas images.cardOne is also a string but with the value of the actual path of the images in your file system (e.g ./app-logo.png). So if you want to load images object dynamically to image_name, you should use the bracket notation like so:

const image_name = images[`card${item.cardName}`];

That way image_name will now point to the path of your images (e.g ./app-logo.png).

