Can dynamic array functions be used as a source in a list validation (“dropdown”) in Excel?

我是研究僧i 提交于 2021-01-28 03:20:46


I would like to use the new dynamic array functions in Excel (like FILTER, UNIQUE, SORT) as a source for list validations.

In the following example, all values in column A where the corresponding value in column B is at least 500 should appear. I use the following formula:


Unfortunately, when I use the formula from cell D2 as a source, I get an error message:

I have also tried to put the formula into a name and then reference the name as a source. But that gives me the same error. The only workaround was to reference cell D2 with a hash sign:


However, I would prefer if I could use those dynamic array functions directly (either via name manager or in the validation interface). Is there any way to achieve that?

