Cannot Get Values from Prop in Twin.macro

点点圈 提交于 2021-01-27 21:32:48


You can see an example of what I am trying to do here:

Note: this particular example is using Twin.macro with Styled Components. On my local computer I tried the same thing with the same results using Twin.macro with emotion/next.js.

Here is a sample component illustrating what I am trying to do:

import React from 'react'
import tw from 'twin.macro'

const Acme = ({ children, type }) => <div css={[tw`${type}`]}>{children}</div>

export default Acme

Here is how I would use that component: <Acme type="text-2xl">Text Goes Here</Acme>

My expectation is that I will be able to style this instance of the <Acme /> component via the tailwind css classes that I pass into the type prop. Instead, I get the following error message:

/src/components/Acme.js: twin.macro: Property value expected type of string but got null Learn more:

When trying to figure this out, I noticed something interesting that may be relevant. Here is a variation of the code that does work:

const Acme = ({ children, type }) => {
  const typeClass = 'text-2xl'
  const typeObj = {
    class: 'text-2xl',

  return <div css={[tw`${typeClass}`]}>{children}</div>

export default Acme

Note that I have created a variable typeClass and set it to the same tailwind css class. Note, in particular, the following line of code:


I have replace the prop type with the variable typeClass. This works. But now, instead of using the variable typeClass let's use the object typeObj that I have created as follows:

const Acme = ({ children, type }) => {
  const typeClass = 'text-2xl'
  const typeObj = {
    class: 'text-2xl',

  return <div css={[tw`${typeObj.class}`]}>{children}</div>

export default Acme

This does not work and produces the same error:

/src/components/Acme.js: twin.macro: Property value expected type of string but got null Learn more:

This is so even though typeClass === typeObj.class evaluates to true.

I don't know if this is helpful, but perhaps it can help indicate a solution. If I can get the type prop to behave like the typeClass variable then hopefully this would work.

Either way, any idea why this is not working and how to fix it?



I found the answer (meaning that someone else answered it on a different site). Here is is. I have to rewrite both the Component and the usage of the component as follows:

// Acme.js
const Acme = ({ children, type }) => <div css={[type]}>{children}</div>


// App.js
import tw from "twin.macro"

<Acme type={tw`text-2xl`}>Text Goes Here</Acme>

I have tried this out and it works.

