Azure Traffic manager with more than one Web App in the same region

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2021-01-27 19:08:10


I'd need to use Traffic Manager to route traffic to three app services I have in the same region (one app service with three instances won't work, I need more control on the load balancing).

I read here that this is possibile

I tried to set up the app services in different app service plans but still I cannot assign the same domain to more than one app service. In the doc I read "scale unit" but I do not know what it is, any ideas? Basically I cannot create two App Services in the same region with the same domain assigned to them.


I am not really sure that you need more App Service Plans, but let's say you need.

Than what you will be looking at is nested profiles.

There is also good documentation which explains the limitations:

Each Traffic Manager profile can have at most one Web App endpoint from each Azure region. To work around for this constraint, you can configure a Web App as an External endpoint. For more information, see the FAQ.

and workarounds for some of them here.

The scale unit, is the one that bugs you. @juunas is on the correct path to help you find your scale unit. However AppServicePlan is not a single VM, but that's another subject.

So the basic idea:

  • you create an app service plan
  • you create a web app within it
  • you rung the nslookup to discover your real DNS name. Just like @juunas pointed, it would be something like The waws-prod-am2-077 is your scale unit.

You repeat these steps until you discover that your App Service Plans run on different scale units.

It is really pity that this is not documented anywhere. And no, there is no easier way to check the scale unit of an app service plan. Neither is there easier way to deploy multiple app service plans across different scale units.

On the other hand, having your app service plans spread across different scale units will give your app much better resiliasncy against partial service outages :)

