insertHTML unwraps div while inserting when selection is inside a node

心不动则不痛 提交于 2021-01-27 19:00:30


In a contenteditable element, when execCommand is called with command insertHTML, if selection is inside a node command unwraps the div tag around the inserted html segment.

Sample HTML Code block is as follows:

<div id="editable" contenteditable="true">
    <div>Some text</div>
    <div>Yet another</div>
    <div>and other</div>
<input id="insert" type="button" value="Insert Segment">

and let javascript handling insertion be as follows

$('#insert').on('mousedown', function (e) { //that is to save selection on blur
}).on('click', function () { // this inserts the sample html segment
    document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, 
    '<div class="new-segment">Text inside Segment</div>');

Live example at Follow the scenario below:

  • place caret to the end of all content, press enter to create a new line then press "Insert Segment"

result: New div with gray background contains "Text Inside Segment" inserted

  • place caret to the inside any of first three lines, press "Insert Segment"

result: it inserts only the content of segment not surrounding div

expected: New div with gray background contains "Text Inside Segment" inserted

  • place caret to the end of any of first three lines, press "Insert Segment"

result: it inserts only the content of segment not surrounding div

expected: New div with gray background contains "Text Inside Segment" inserted

  • place caret to the end of any of first three lines, press enter to create a new line then press "Insert Segment"

result: New div with gray background contains "Text Inside Segment" inserted

I have tried to automatically insert <br> before inserted segment It fixes 3rd step though inserts redundant space.

Do you have any suggestions?


You can try Range.insertNode. Proof of concept:

var sel = window.getSelection();
if (sel.rangeCount) {
    var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);

A big disadvantage of this approach is that it breaks undo.

UPD. I think I found a workaround:

document.execCommand('insertHTML', false,
    '<div class="new-segment">' +
        '<h6 class="killme">' + html + '</h6>' +

When you add a header inside the div WebKit stops merging the div with surroundings. And because the text content doesn't change when you later remove the header, the browser can undo correctly.


It seems to be an issue with Chromium. You can follow the issue at

