Can't take file names with spaces in shell script for loop

眉间皱痕 提交于 2021-01-27 12:24:35


I am trying to take filenames with spaces Get them into a for loop zip each file Once zipped, remove the original using below:

for appdir in $(ls /home/location/$dirname); do

  for logFile in $(find /home/location/$dirname/$appdir -type f -mtime +10 \( ! -iname "*.zip" ! -iname "*.gz" \)); do
    echo $logFile

Files I am trying to zip which has spaces:

/home/location/hdd1/domain/servername/EXT1/ET SOME To FILENAME/xml/sdlfkd.xml
/home/location/hdd1/domain/servername/EXT1/ET SOME To FILENAME2/xml/sd2fkd.xml

I know filenames with spaces can be made into a single filename like below -

find /location/$appdir -type f -mtime +10  -print0 | xargs -0 ls

The actual zip command which takes the filename from the "for" condition comes later to take each file, makes a zip and removes the original one.

I get below error for zip command:

[stdout: 4]                           zip warning: name not matched: ET
zip error: Nothing to do! (
[stdout: 4]           SOME
[stdout: 4]                           zip warning: name not matched: SOME
zip error: Nothing to do! (

How can I modify the condition where I can provide entire filename each time to the "for" loop so it then proceeds to zip each file and goes further? Any help would be appreciated.


Always use double quotes when manipulating files.

See for example the code below will create one unique file called a b c :

will /home/will/a # touch "a b c"
will /home/will/a # ls -l
total 0
-rw-r--r--    1 root     system            0 Sep 21 08:47 a b c

But this will create 3 different files called, a, b and c

will /home/will/a # touch a b c
will /home/will/a # ls -l
total 0
-rw-r--r--    1 root     system            0 Sep 21 08:47 a
-rw-r--r--    1 root     system            0 Sep 21 08:47 b
-rw-r--r--    1 root     system            0 Sep 21 08:47 c

So now imagine I would be not creating but deleting or altering those files, it could be much more harmful if files name were not the ones expected.

In your case I would try this :

   for appdir in $(ls "/home/location/$dirname"); do

  for logFile in $(find "/home/location/$dirname/$appdir" -type f -mtime +10 \( ! -iname "*.zip" ! -iname "*.gz" \)); do
    echo "$logFile"

