How to fix this ActionView::Base depreciation with a lookup context?

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2021-01-27 12:13:11


I migrate an application from rails 5.2 to rails 6. There is only have one thing left to do but I don't know how.

I have this depreciation warning:

DEPRECATION WARNING: ActionView::Base instances should be constructed with a lookup context, assignments, and a controller. (called from new at /Users/xxx/xxxx/app/models/stock.rb:42)

from this code:

view =, categories: categories, periods: periods)
result = view.render formats: [:xlsx], handlers: [:axlsx], template: 'admin/reports/logistics/stocks_by_age'

I don't understand how to fix it. I went to see the depreciation in the source code, but it didn't help me figure out what I should do, and I didn't really find any documentation for this 'lookup'.

Please, could someone help me to understand this depreciation?


It looks like you are trying to render view outside of the request. Rails added a feature in the past, that simplified this. Now only thing you need to do is to call ApplicationController.render with your params. In your case it should look something like this:

  template: 'admin/reports/logistics/stocks_by_age',
  locals: { categories: categories, periods: periods } # maybe assigns: { ... }
  handlers: [:axlsx],
  formats: [:xlsx]

Also following code should work as well if you have logistics controller:

Admin::Reports::LogisticsController.render(:stocks_by_age, ...other params same as above..., handlers: [:axlsx], formats: [:xlsx])

See the following article for better description of how to do it.


This deprecation warning appears because you passed ActionController::Base.view_paths to as the first argument. This used to be okay but now an instance of ActionView::LookupContext is expected. If you look at the most recent version of ActionView::Base#initialize you'll see that where the message appears it calls ActionView::Base.build_lookup_context using your first argument to You can easily silence this warning by passing or ActionView::Base.build_lookup_context(ActionController::Base.view_paths) since that's what it ends up using anyways.

While ApplicationController.render is helpful for rendering a view outside of a request sometimes you need an instance of ActionView::Base by itself (in my case I use one as the view context for my presenter classes in their tests).

