Convert C# `using` and `new` to PowerShell [closed]

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2021-01-07 06:33:54


There are many codes in C# that use the keywords using and new. They look very simple!

How to achieve that in in PowerShell elegantly!

For example I want to change the following C# code to PowerShell

using (var image = new MagickImage(new MagickColor("#ff00ff"), 512, 128))
    new Drawables()
      // Draw text on the image
      .Font("Comic Sans")
      .StrokeColor(new MagickColor("yellow"))
      .Text(256, 64, "Magick.NET")
      // Add an ellipse
      .StrokeColor(new MagickColor(0, Quantum.Max, 0))
      .Ellipse(256, 96, 192, 8, 0, 360)

It is difficult to write the new expression because it contains one another! What elegant solution is there?


C# using is just syntactic sugar for try {} finally {} so you can do the same in PowerShell. The disposal of the object will be put in the finally block. new can be replaced with New-Object. Of course new can be made an alias to New-Object but MS chose not to

try {
    $color = New-Object MagickColor -ArgumentList (,"#ff00ff")
    $image = New-Object MagickImage -ArgumentList ($color, 512, 128)
    $drawable = New-Object Drawables
    $drawable.FontPointSize(72). `
              Font("Comic Sans"). `
              StrokeColor(New-Object MagickColor -ArgumentList (,"yellow")). `
finally {
    if ($image) { $image.Dispose() }
    # or just `$image?.Dispose()` in PowerShell 7.1+


  • About Try Catch Finally
  • using statement (C# Reference)

