Impossible to convert html code to pdf with vue-html2pdf

假装没事ソ 提交于 2021-01-05 06:57:52


I have a project in vuejs and I have to use vue-html2pdf.

When i write a text in tag : <section>something</section>, my PDF is generated. But when i write in tag : <section><p>something</p></section>, my browser is crashed.

Here my code in vuejs :


                      <section slot="pdf-content">
                        <section class="pdf-item">
                          <img :src=url>

                  <button @click="generateReport">Download</button> 

with this code below, my browser crashes.

And my function to download pdf :

function generateReport() {


vue-html2pdf npm module does not work properly. Rather than you can try html2pdf module for convert html to pdf in vuejs.

Package link:

Codesandbox Example:

Hope that, your problem will be solved. Thanks.


I just saw this, I am the developer of vue-html2pdf, and I tested your code on version 1.3.6, it worked perfectly on Chrome Version 81.0.4044.138, Microsoft Edge 44.18362.449.0 and Firefox 76.0.1.

you also have a typo on <img :src=url> it should be <img :src="url">

and if you can, can you please provide the values of the variables test, size, and ref, you assigned to the props.

and the prop :paginate-elements-by-height="10" I think the value should be higher, try 1300.


After losing my day I found the problem ! Here 2 sources of error :

-If you use a "component" inside the "vue-html2pdf", the page break couldn't work. To solve this problem, use "vue-fragment" library <3

-If you use a too small value for "paginate-elements-by-height" attribute, the "vue-html2pdf will bug and then you can just kill the process. By default it's 1300 or 1400, try with 1600 or more and your problem will solved.

