AT command to register to network

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2021-01-01 02:43:35


I am trying use a ZTE Modem for testing purpose to send and receive sms on c# application. This is the modem I am using.

I am facing a problem when the software that is comes with the device is open, the device is registered to network as soon I close that software, the light on modem become red.

I thinks that the software comes with device sending a command to modem to register to network, but don't know which

I tried with AT+COPS=0

but no luck.

Any suggestions?


You can try with

AT+COPS=1,0,"network long alphanumeric name"

this AT command is to try forcing manual connection.

Visit this page for more information There you can find also the option to download an AT COMMANDS TESTER, that is really useful.


You must consider that any 3G device like this will have at least 3 states. Unregistered to network, registered to network (SIM active), connected to internet gateway.

Software must move the device between these states through AT commands, or at the very least hardware signals

As a serial connection, only one piece of software can have control - You must accept the AP interfaces provided by the vendors software, or write your own - You can't depend on the manufacturers software to initiate the connection, and hope you can piggyback on it without the device closing connectivity on exit

