How to use @FindBy annotation in Selenium for span text?

北城余情 提交于 2020-12-26 09:23:25


I want to know what can I do to get the "Apple" text in span element with @FindBy annotation.

Thats html code:

<span class="ui-cell-data">Apple</span>

and I tried something like that:

@FindBy(className = "ui-cell-data:Samsung")
WebElement customerName;

but it didn't work!


As per the HTML you have shared you may/maynot have been able to get the Apple text within the span element with :

@FindBy(className = "ui-cell-data")
WebElement customerName;

Your code was nearly perfect but the trailing part in the className as :Samsung was unnecessary.

But again, looking at the class attribute it is expected that a couple of more <span> tags will have the same class. So to uniquely identify the intended WebElement we need to refer to a parent node and follow its decendents to reach this particular node.

Finally, with the given HTML the following code block will be much cleaner :

  • cssSelector:

    @FindBy(cssSelector = "span.ui-cell-data")
    WebElement customerName;
  • xpath:

    @FindBy(xpath = "//span[@class='ui-cell-data']")
    WebElement customerName;


You can try with xpath stated below

 @FindBy(xpath = "//span[@class = 'ui-cell-data']") 
 private WebElement element;


You can use @FindBys like a chained element look-up

@FindBys({@FindBy(className = "ui-cell-data")})
private WebElement element;

Or try using below:

@FindBy(xpath = "//*[@class = 'ui-cell-data']")
private WebElement element;


@FindBy(css = ".ui-cell-data")
private WebElement element; 

Hopefully it resolves your issue.

