How to fix error message “__builtin_avr_delay_cycles expects a compile time integer constant make”?

北城余情 提交于 2020-12-10 14:29:52


My program isn't being compiled using a GCC AVR compiler. It's a small game on a microprocessor and an LCD screen.

move_delay = 200;
_delay_ms( move_delay );

It doesn't like that this _delay_ms is a variable, but it needs to be a variable because I can adjust the screen action through an ADC. Is there a way I can make it a constant but still usable with the ADC?


You could roll you own by looping around the minimal delay you need as often as necessary to get the other delays you need.

void my_delay_ms(int ms)
  while (0 < ms)

This probably isn't 100% accurate due to time spend for calling _delay_ms() and decrementing ms. But for small ms it might be sufficient.

For larger values of ms you could introduce

void my_delay_ms_10ms_steps(int ms)
  while (0 < ms)
    ms -= 10;

and so on ...

Also a sort of dynamical approach is possible:

void mydyn_delay_ms(unsigned ms)
  unsigned i = 0;
  while (0 < ms)
    if (0 != (ms % 2))
      switch (i)
        case 0:
           _delay_ms(1 << 0);

        case 1:
           _delay_ms(1 << 1);

        case 2:
           _delay_ms(1 << 2);

        /* and so on */

        case <what ever bit-width unsigned uses> -1:
          _delay_ms(1 << (<what ever bit-wdith unsigned uses> -1));

    ms >>= 1;


Following up vaxquis comment an alternative way to implement the functionality above would be:

void mydyn_delay_ms(unsigned ms)
  for (
    unsigned i = 0; /* requires at least C99 */
    0 < ms; 
    if (0 != (ms % 2))
      switch (i)
        case 0:
           _delay_ms(1 << 0);

        case 1:
           _delay_ms(1 << 1);

        case 2:
           _delay_ms(1 << 2);

        /* and so on */

        case <what ever bit-width unsigned uses> -1:
          _delay_ms(1 << (<what ever bit-wdith unsigned uses> -1));

    ms >>= 1;


If you use the following define before the #include statement the delay functions can also be called with variables instead of numerical constants:

#include <util/delay.h>

 * Function: sound
 * Description: Toggle Port to generate sound with a given pulse width.
 * Parameter: duration, pulsewidth
 * Uses: _delay_us()
void sound(uint16_t duration, uint16_t pulsewidth) {
  uint16_t i;
  uint16_t j = 2270 * duration/pulsewidth;

  for(i=0; i<j; i++) {
    SPKR_PORT |= (1 << SPKR_PAD);   //Set port -> create bit mask and OR it

    SPKR_PORT &= ~(1 << SPKR_PAD);   //clear port -> negate mask and AND it

