How to make integration tests and unit tests run separately through maven?

房东的猫 提交于 2020-12-01 07:10:09


Refer following links - GitHub discussion on how to separate Integration Tests and Unit Tests

As a result, I tried this --



This is working good to some extent. Meaning, surefire doesn't execute Integration tests and Failsafe doesn't execute unit tests.

But, when I run, mvn verify or mvn integration-test, the sure-fire plugin is also used.

Required Outcome: When run mvn integration-test, Unit test shouldn't be run.

The below three images are for mvn verify

Integration Test:

Unit Tests:

The below image is when I ran mvn test


Maven has a build lifecycle made up out of several phases. When you call a particular one, all phases before that one will be executed first. See

There are two ways how you could solve what you want:

  • use -DskipTests or -Dmaven.test.skip=true (
  • call the plugin goal directly mvn clean test-compile failsafe:integration-test


Both goals verify and integration-test defined in maven-failsafe-plugin runs integration test cases with surefire. Here things are working as expected and as per guideline provided. pls refer this link for more details:

