
心已入冬 提交于 2020-11-01 18:59:00

来自于加拿大的Fluent.ai,其嵌入式语音AI技术组合,包括 -

Wakeword - 支持单唤醒词,多唤醒词,和用户自定义唤醒词的灵活的,嵌入式小尺寸,低功耗唤醒词引擎

air - 支持多语言的嵌入式自然语言识别技术

hybrid - 离线和在线相结合的自然语言交互技术

FluentAI支持端到端 (End to end)自然语言识别,拥有独特的多重NN推理架构和专利算法,保证了引擎和模型的小尺寸,低算力需求,小内存占用,和高性能。

Fluent.ai develops highly accurate and intuitive speech understanding solutions in a small footprint and low latency package capable of running fully offline on small devices. Our solutions enable consumer electronic device manufacturers and OEMs to develop unique and secure voice user interface solutions for their devices. Our patented speech-to-intent approach allows the development of speech recognition models in any existing language and offers unmatched multilingual capabilities.
Fluent.ai Inc. is a privately held Canadian company with offices in Montreal, Quebec and Mountain View, California. Fluent.ai was founded in 2015 after 7 years of research in speech understanding.

以下为Fluent.ai在TinyML Talk中的演讲 - 

本文分享自微信公众号 - VoiceVista语音智能(AIndustrialRock)。
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