What does allocation rate means in JMH

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2020-08-24 10:40:11


I'm trying to measure the memory consumed when running the benchmark. I found out on the internet that I can use GC profiler to measure that. I tried but I don't understand the answer as well as see the amount of consumed memory. Can anyone explain the results? Thanks.

MyBenchmark.testMethod_width_2_attribute_text                                     ss   60        32.345 ±       1.759   ms/op
MyBenchmark.testMethod_width_2_attribute_text:·gc.alloc.rate                      ss   60        26.904 ±       0.217  MB/sec
MyBenchmark.testMethod_width_2_attribute_text:·gc.alloc.rate.norm                 ss   60  14999630.400 ±      12.578    B/op
MyBenchmark.testMethod_width_2_attribute_text:·gc.churn.PS_Eden_Space             ss   60        28.282 ±      15.342  MB/sec
MyBenchmark.testMethod_width_2_attribute_text:·gc.churn.PS_Eden_Space.norm        ss   60  15903402.667 ± 8631257.013    B/op
MyBenchmark.testMethod_width_2_attribute_text:·gc.churn.PS_Survivor_Space         ss   60         0.654 ±       0.754  MB/sec
MyBenchmark.testMethod_width_2_attribute_text:·gc.churn.PS_Survivor_Space.norm    ss   60    368914.667 ±  425374.152    B/op
MyBenchmark.testMethod_width_2_attribute_text:·gc.count                           ss   60        26.000                counts
MyBenchmark.testMethod_width_2_attribute_text:·gc.time                            ss   60       105.000                    ms


Under covers, jmh uses ThreadMXBean so this looks like a report that says how many bytes per operation are allocated and how many MB/sec in each GC space (like Eden/Survivor)

.norm stands for normalized.

