Can I transmit a beacon signal from my android device while at the same time scanning nearby beacons?

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2020-08-23 03:35:19


Is it possible to transmit and receive beacon signals at the same time using an android device acting as a beacon?


Yes, on Android 5+ devices that support beacon transmission (see the list here), you can both send and receive beacon transmissions simultaneously. You can see a demonstration of this using the Android Locate app. Simply turn on a transmitter, then switch to locating beacons. If you do this on two Android phones at the same time, they will both see eachother's transmission.

A few things to be aware of:

  1. An mobile device will not detect its own transmission.
  2. Android 4.3-4.4.x devices can receive beacon transmissions but cannot transmit. (Some older Android 4.x devices do not have Bluetooth LE and cannot receive at all.)
  3. Some Android 5.x+ devices do not have firmware that supports transmission. Check the list above to make sure your device supports it.

