Calculate checksum for Laboratory Information System (LIS) frames

北战南征 提交于 2020-08-17 19:54:32


I'm developing an instrument driver for a Laboratory Information System. I want to know how to calculate the checksum of a frame.

Explanation of the checksum algorithm:

  1. Expressed by characters [0-9] and [A-F].

  2. Characters beginning from the character after [STX] and until [ETB] or [ETX] (including [ETB] or [ETX]) are added in binary.

  3. The 2-digit numbers, which represent the least significant 8 bits in hexadecimal code, are converted to ASCII characters [0-9] and [A-F].

  4. The most significant digit is stored in CHK1 and the least significant digit in CHK2.

I am not getting the 3rd and 4th points above.

This is a sample frame:


What is the value of CHK1 and CHK2? How do I implement the given algorithm in C#?


Finally I got answer, here is the code for calculating checksum:

private string CalculateChecksum(string dataToCalculate)
    byte[] byteToCalculate = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(dataToCalculate);
    int checksum = 0;
    foreach (byte chData in byteToCalculate)
        checksum += chData;
    checksum &= 0xff;
    return checksum.ToString("X2");


You can do this in one line:

return Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(dataToCalculate).Aggregate((r, n) => r += n).ToString("X2");


private bool CheckChecksum(string data)
   bool isValid =false

   byte[] byteToCalculate = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(dataToCalculate);
   int checkSum = 0;
   for ( int i=i i<byteToCalculate.Length;i++)
      checkSum += byteToCalculate[i];
   checksum &= 0xff;

  if (checksum == byteToCalculate[ChecksumPlace]
   return true
  return  false

