How can implement EM-GMM in python?

走远了吗. 提交于 2020-08-15 10:44:28


I have implemented EM algorithm for GMM using this post GMMs and Maximum Likelihood Optimization Using NumPy unsuccessfully as follows:

import numpy as np

def PDF(data, means, variances):
    return 1/(np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * variances) + eps) * np.exp(-1/2 * (np.square(data - means) / (variances + eps)))

def EM_GMM(data, k, iterations):
    weights = np.ones((k, 1)) / k # shape=(k, 1)
    means = np.random.choice(data, k)[:, np.newaxis] # shape=(k, 1)
    variances = np.random.random_sample(size=k)[:, np.newaxis] # shape=(k, 1)

    data = np.repeat(data[np.newaxis, :], k, 0) # shape=(k, n)

    for step in range(iterations):
        # Expectation step
        likelihood = PDF(data, means, np.sqrt(variances)) # shape=(k, n)

        # Maximization step
        b = likelihood * weights # shape=(k, n)
        b /= np.sum(b, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] + eps

        # updage means, variances, and weights
        means = np.sum(b * data, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] / (np.sum(b, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] + eps)
        variances = np.sum(b * np.square(data - means), axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] / (np.sum(b, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] + eps)
        weights = np.mean(b, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
    return means, variances

when I run the algorithm on a 1-D time-series dataset, for k equal to 3, it returns an output like the following:

array([[0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000,
    3.05053810e-003, 2.36989898e-025, 2.36989898e-025,
    1.32797395e-136, 6.91134950e-031, 5.47347807e-001,
    1.44637007e+000, 1.44637007e+000, 1.44637007e+000,
    1.44637007e+000, 1.44637007e+000, 1.44637007e+000,
    1.44637007e+000, 1.44637007e+000, 1.44637007e+000,
    1.44637007e+000, 1.44637007e+000, 1.44637007e+000,
    1.44637007e+000, 2.25849208e-064, 0.00000000e+000,
    1.61228562e-303, 0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000,
    0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000, 3.94387272e-242,
    1.13078186e+000, 2.53108878e-001, 5.33548114e-001,
    9.14920432e-001, 2.07015697e-013, 4.45250680e-038,
    1.43000602e+000, 1.28781615e+000, 1.44821615e+000,
    1.18186109e+000, 3.21610659e-002, 3.21610659e-002,
    3.21610659e-002, 3.21610659e-002, 3.21610659e-002,
    2.47382844e-039, 0.00000000e+000, 2.09150855e-200,
    0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000],
   [5.93203066e-002, 1.01647068e+000, 5.99299162e-001,
    0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000,
    0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000,
    0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000,
    0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000,
    0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000,
    0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000,
    0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000, 2.14690238e-010,
    2.49337135e-191, 5.10499986e-001, 9.32658804e-001,
    1.21148135e+000, 1.13315278e+000, 2.50324069e-237,
    0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000,
    0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000,
    0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000,
    0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000,
    0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000,
    0.00000000e+000, 1.73966953e-125, 2.53559290e-275,
    1.42960975e-065, 7.57552338e-001],
   [0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000,
    3.05053810e-003, 2.36989898e-025, 2.36989898e-025,
    1.32797395e-136, 6.91134950e-031, 5.47347807e-001,
    1.44637007e+000, 1.44637007e+000, 1.44637007e+000,
    1.44637007e+000, 1.44637007e+000, 1.44637007e+000,
    1.44637007e+000, 1.44637007e+000, 1.44637007e+000,
    1.44637007e+000, 1.44637007e+000, 1.44637007e+000,
    1.44637007e+000, 2.25849208e-064, 0.00000000e+000,
    1.61228562e-303, 0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000,
    0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000, 3.94387272e-242,
    1.13078186e+000, 2.53108878e-001, 5.33548114e-001,
    9.14920432e-001, 2.07015697e-013, 4.45250680e-038,
    1.43000602e+000, 1.28781615e+000, 1.44821615e+000,
    1.18186109e+000, 3.21610659e-002, 3.21610659e-002,
    3.21610659e-002, 3.21610659e-002, 3.21610659e-002,
    2.47382844e-039, 0.00000000e+000, 2.09150855e-200,
    0.00000000e+000, 0.00000000e+000]])

which I believe is working wrong. I have checked everything and traced multiple times but no bug shows up.

Here are my input data:

[25.31      , 24.31      , 24.12      , 43.46      , 41.48666667,
   41.48666667, 37.54      , 41.175     , 44.81      , 44.44571429,
   44.44571429, 44.44571429, 44.44571429, 44.44571429, 44.44571429,
   44.44571429, 44.44571429, 44.44571429, 44.44571429, 44.44571429,
   44.44571429, 44.44571429, 39.71      , 26.69      , 34.15      ,
   24.94      , 24.75      , 24.56      , 24.38      , 35.25      ,
   44.62      , 44.94      , 44.815     , 44.69      , 42.31      ,
   40.81      , 44.38      , 44.56      , 44.44      , 44.25      ,
   43.66666667, 43.66666667, 43.66666667, 43.66666667, 43.66666667,
   40.75      , 32.31      , 36.08      , 30.135     , 24.19      ]

I was wondering if there is an elegant way to implement it via numpy or SciKit-learn. Any helps will be appreciated.

