Angular oauth2-oidc - What part of the configuration retrieves the token and where does it store it?

懵懂的女人 提交于 2020-08-10 20:22:27


I'm trying to use the library angular-oauth2-oidc in my application.

This is my AuthConfig

const adsfUrl = '';

export const ADSF_AUTH_CONFIG: AuthConfig = {
    redirectUri: window.location.origin,
    clientId: 'debdb149-65c3-4ac7-99c5-acbfa59f66d0',
    requireHttps: false,
    loginUrl: adsfUrl + '/oauth2/authorize',
    issuer: adsfUrl,
    scope: 'openid profile email',
    responseType: 'id_token token',
    oidc: true,
    logoutUrl: adsfUrl +
      '/ls/?wa=wsignoutcleanup1.0&wreply=' + location.protocol +
      '//' + location.hostname + (location.port ? ':' + location.port : ''),
    postLogoutRedirectUri: location.protocol + '//' +
      location.hostname + (location.port ? ':' + location.port : '')

This is the component where I configure my solution for the implicit flow:

 export class UnauthorizedHomePageComponent implements OnInit {
  returnUrl: string;
    private oauthService: OAuthService,
    private router: Router,
    private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute
  ) {}

  ngOnInit(): void {

    this.oauthService.tokenValidationHandler = new JwksValidationHandler();

    if (!this.oauthService.hasValidAccessToken()) {
      this.oauthService.loadDiscoveryDocumentAndTryLogin().then(() => {
        if (this.oauthService.hasValidAccessToken()) {
          const obj = {
            identity: this.oauthService.getIdentityClaims(),
            token: this.oauthService.getAccessToken(),
            idtoken: this.oauthService.getIdToken(),

As you can see I don't call the this.oauthService.initImplicitFlow() in the code above. I do that in a child component where I also collect a couple of additional details of the user and store them to localstorage before redirecting them to the identify provider.

This code works kinda fine. I say kinda because even though the user is redirected to the identity provider and also correctly identified, the token is nowhere to be seen neither in Local Store or Session Storage, even though I can see the token been returned in the url :


What I want to know is:

  1. What part of the code above is supposed to retrieve and store that access_token that is returned by the identity provider?
  2. Where is it supposed to be stored?

If that #access_token segment that is appended to the redirectUri is not the token that is supposed to be returned when you configure the scope to responseType: 'id_token token', then where should I look for that token?

I really hope you can shed some light on this.

