Laravel + Carbon + Timezone

天涯浪子 提交于 2020-07-21 05:24:45


I have configured the timezone in config/app.php to Europe/Lisbon.

If I do a return date_default_timezone_get();, It returns Europe/Lisbon like I want.

So far so good!

When I do Carbon::now() it returns for example 16 hour while the current time is 17h. Can someone explain why the daylight saving aren't considered?

I'm using Laravel 7.16, PHP 7.4


EDIT 1: Code image + Times |

EDIT 2: always done php artisan optimize:clear to clear all caches when I change something in the config.

EDIT 3: created_at and updated_at on models are getting correct times.

EDIT 4: return Carbon::now() returns bad hours. Doing dd(Carbon::now()) returns the correct values, with the Timezone configured in config/app.php | dd() example -> date: 2020-07-08 17:25:28.935949 Europe/Lisbon (+01:00)

EDIT 5: Opened an issue at github -

EDIT 6: In my case, I used the php date() function to workaround the problem. Not the way I wanted but does the job...

if (date(now()) > $subscriber->token_expire_date)
    // return not found response
    return $this->response(false, 410, 'The token has expired.', []);


Carbon uses the default DateTime PHP object, so use the date_default_timezone_set() function, for example: date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Lisbon');

or you define it AppServiceProvider App/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php

public function boot()

Or you can use setTimezone of carbon method

echo Carbon::now()->setTimezone('Europe/Lisbon')->format('H:i');

