Preventing unauthorized member for joining Hazelcast cluster

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2020-07-15 09:09:07


We are changing one of our application to use Hazelcast 3.11 Community Edition and do some locking between multiple JVMs running on a few hosts. We configure our cluster grammatically like below:

public class HazelcastBuilder {
    private final String name;
    private final String password;
    private final String members;
    private final String hostName;
    private final String applicationName;

    public HazelcastInstance getHazelcastInstance() {
        Config hazelcastConfig = new Config();
        GroupConfig groupConfig = new GroupConfig(name, password);

        TcpIpConfig tcpIpConfig = new TcpIpConfig();
        for (String member : members.split(",")) {

        // By default the multicast config is enabled. Disable it here.
        String instanceName = applicationName + "-" + hostName;
        hazelcastConfig.setInstanceName(instanceName);"Creating hazelcast instance: " + instanceName);
        return Hazelcast.getOrCreateHazelcastInstance(hazelcastConfig);

All works fine and the cluster gets created properly and working as expected.

However I created an unit tests and configured a local cluster with the same name as the application uses then I added my developer machine to it. All worked fine and my local host joined the application cluster without any issues.

Of course such a thing cannot be accepted in a production environment and here is my question for:

Given we have a list of host names that can run our application what is the best way to prevent unauthorized member to join a given hazelcast cluster.

Thank you in advance for your help.


If you are searching for security features, then you should use Hazelcast Enterprise edition. Check the feature lists:

  • OS features
  • EE features

If you only need to prevent arbitrary machines connecting to your cluster, then there are several options in the opensource edition:

  • use a unique group name for each of your clusters;
  • as an additional level of protection you can define a validation token in your configuration - just set hazelcast.application.validation.token Hazelcast property (or system property) - look at reference manual for details
  • specify which network interfaces should be used (doc) and disable binding to all local interfaces by setting hazelcast.socket.bind.any property to false. Usually, your production cluster runs in a trusted LAN environment so you want to make it accessible only within that LAN.
  • Multicast discovery mechanism (doc) adds also the <trusted-interfaces> configuration, which could help you. You're using TCP discovery, so it's not valid for your scenario.

Final note: The group password field is not checked in Hazelcast opensource edition!

