Error: There is no `_sonata_admin` defined for the controller

柔情痞子 提交于 2020-06-27 11:44:32


I followed the documentation for adding a custom route. When I click on the button in the list view, I get the error:

There is no _sonata_admin defined for the controller ***\UserController and the current route resetPassword

The docs:

My Admin Service is defined as follows:

    class: ****\Admin\UserAdmin #User Admin
        - { name: sonata.admin, model_manager: cems_model_manager, manager_type: orm, group: core, label: "Users" }
        - ~
        - models\User #User Model
        - '****Bundle:User' #User Controller
        - [ setTranslationDomain, [****Bundle]]

I have added my route in my UserAdmin

  protected function configureRoutes(RouteCollection $collection)
      $collection->add('password_reset', $this->getRouterIdParameter() . '/resetPassword/');

And created the custom controller and action.


  namespace ****\Controller;

  use Sonata\AdminBundle\Controller\CRUDController;
  use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;
  use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

  class UserController extends CRUDController

       * @Route("/User/{userId}/resetPassword/", name="resetPassword")
      public function resetPasswordAction(Request $request, $userId)
          // code here 

The route works fine if I browse to it manually or via an ajax call, which our application does at another point. But when I try to click on the button in the list view, which is generated in the configureListFields() in UserAdmin, I get the subject error. I can't figure out how any of the other default actions put the code into the request, they look the same as this one does. I found a few other people asking this question when I googled the error but my admin appears to be configured correctly, and that was the only answer I could find - and it seems outdated as the arguments appear to be in different orders now.

Thanks in advance for any help you guys can provide.


Its only idea, not tested - maybe you must have controller action coresponding with route name (not with pattern string): password_reset -> passwordResetAction


There is no need to @Route("/User/{userId}/resetPassword/", name="resetPassword") since its defined before in configureRoutes function.

