Binding for kendo DatePicker (The 'value' should be a valid JavaScript Date instance)

故事扮演 提交于 2020-06-27 07:37:55


Binding for kendo DatePicker has an error.

The 'value' should be a valid JavaScript Date instance

my web api in asp core to get a student is :

    [HttpGet, Route("/api/master/{id}")]
    public JsonResult GetStudentById(int id)
        return Json(new { id = 1, RegisterDate = DateTime.Now });

it returns :


and finally in my angular component is :

student: Student = new Student();
constructor() { }

ngOnInit() {
       .get(`http://localhost:58824/api/master/${10}`, { headers: this.setHeader() })
       .subscribe(response => { this.student = response; });

view :

<form novalidate #form="ngForm" (submit)="save(form)">
   <label for="birthDate">Date</label>
   <kendo-datepicker [format]="'dd-MM-yyyy'" name="registerDate" [(ngModel)]="student.registerDate"></kendo-datepicker>

there is an error : The 'value' should be a valid JavaScript Date instance

needless to say, I have added DateInputsModule to imports array in app.module How can I fix it?


This config removes the timezone (+04:30) from the serialized data:

       .AddJsonOptions(options =>  
         options.SerializerSettings.DateTimeZoneHandling = DateTimeZoneHandling.Unspecified;  // Treat as a local time if a DateTime is being converted to a string.

Or try specifying the DateTimeFormat this way and make it automatically adjust dates to UTC by setting DateTimeStyles to AdjustToUniversal:

    .AddJsonOptions(options =>
        var settings = options.SerializerSettings;
        var dateConverter = new IsoDateTimeConverter
            DateTimeStyles = DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal,
            DateTimeFormat = "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ssK"


The value used in the kendo-datepicker must be of type Date but in your case it is a string.

You need to convert it to a valid Date object beforehand. This can be done with e.g. a JSON Reviver, or by utilizing the IntlService.parseDate method (Reference).

@Component({ ... })
public class MyComponent
    value: Date;
    valueString: string;

    constructor(private intl: IntlService) {
        this.value = this.intl.parseDate("2018-05-01T13:23:35.1229748+04:30");
        this.valueString = "2018-05-01T13:23:35.1229748+04:30"; 


<!-- Works fine -->

<!-- Throws error: The 'value' should be a valid JavaScript Date instance -->

You can also find an example of a possible implementation over at KendoUIs documentation (Link)

