Folders meaning in Katalon Project

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2020-05-30 08:03:15


Are there any resources that can help me better understand the meaning and the roles of files in each folder in a Katalon project?


Most of the folder names are named after what they contain such as Scripts, Reports, Test Cases, Test Suites. Was there a specific folder you wanted more information on?

Still, if you want to learn more

you will be able to find tutorials.


I myself am looking for such a resource. I cannot find one1, so I'd like to create one here, based on experience and empiric knowledge.

Profiles: stores profiles used to run test cases, should be managed by Katalon Studio

Test Cases: Contains test cases placeholders in form of XML files with a custom extension. All files in here should be managed by Katalon Studio.

Object Repository: Stores Test Objects that user creates via the Kalatno Studio GUI.

Test Suites: Similar to Test Cases, uses the same strategy for Test Suites. Different types of Test Suites will generate different types of files.

Data Files: Used to store data files (e.g. excel data sheets).

Checkpoints: Stores checkpoints, should be managed by Katalon Studio

Keywords: Stores Keywords, mostly user-created via Katalon Studio GUI, in form of groovy scripts.

Test Listeners: Stores groovy scripts for actions (Listeners) that are executed before/after each test case/suite run.

Reports: Stores reports by default.

Include: See this related question, is for Behavior Driven Development testing.

Plugins: --

The following folders are not visible via GUI, but are interesting.

Scripts: stores actual implementation of both test cases and test suites. These are the files that Katalon Studio shows to you when editing test cases/suites.

bin: compiled files, excluded by .gitignore default from versioning.

Drivers: external .jar libraries are copied here.

I'll keep this answer updated as much as I can.

and being referred to the Tutorial sections is not really an answer as it adds overhead to tasks like properly format the .gitignore file.

