Aliasing a bean outside the bean definition using Java config in Spring Boot

萝らか妹 提交于 2020-05-29 08:17:16


How to alias a bean outside the bean definition using Java config in Spring Boot?


I have this as well, and solved it like this:

public class AliasConfiguration implements BeanFactoryPostProcessor {
    public void postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory) throws BeansException {
        beanFactory.registerAlias("originalBeanName", "newAlias");
        beanFactory.registerAlias("originalBeanName", "newAlias2");
        beanFactory.registerAlias("otherOriginalBeanName", "newAlias3");


You want to alias a bean which is already defined somewhere else, this feature is not supported in spring yet.

Along with that aliasing a bean is not allowed in @Component, @Service and @Repository.

Either you can alias a bean while defining in XML configuration or while using @Bean(name = {"alias1", "alias2"}). But as you mentioned in you case bean is already defined in another JAR, it's not possible to alias it.

A similar(not exactly similar) issue is open to spring-framework.

