MySQL Workbench Import NULL from CSV

那年仲夏 提交于 2020-05-23 08:25:06


I can't for the life of me make MySQL Workbench import NULL for blank cells in a CSV.

I've tried:

  • blank
  • NULL
  • \N
  • Each with and without ""

How the does one signify a cell is 'null' inside a CSV file I want to import into MySQL via Workbench?


Since MySQL Workbench version 8.0.16 (released on 04/25/2019) there has been an additional option for uploading .csv file -- "null and NULL word as SQL keyword". When selecting this option as YES, the NULL expression without quotes in .csv file (,NULL, rather than ,"NULL",) will work for this purpose.


You can solve your problem by updating your workbench to the newest.

enter image description here

