Letter avatar like Gmail Android best practice

亡梦爱人 提交于 2020-05-22 02:06:30


What is the best way of generating (in code) a letter avatar like in Gmail? Here you have an example https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B0Fhz5fDg1njSmpUakhhZllEWHM&usp=sharing

It should look like that:

Gmail letter avatar


This is what I've used once.. please try and modify according to your requirements.

    public class LetterAvatar extends ColorDrawable {
Paint               paint   = new Paint();
Rect                bounds  = new Rect();

String              pLetters;
private float       ONE_DP  = 0.0f;
private Resources   pResources;
private int         pPadding;
int                 pSize   = 0;
float               pMesuredTextWidth;

int                 pBoundsTextwidth;
int                 pBoundsTextHeight;

public LetterAvatar (Context context, int color, String letter, int paddingInDp) {
    this.pLetters = letter;
    this.pResources = context.getResources();
    ONE_DP = 1 * pResources.getDisplayMetrics().density;
    this.pPadding = Math.round(paddingInDp * ONE_DP);

public void draw(Canvas canvas) {

    do {
        paint.getTextBounds(pLetters, 0, pLetters.length(), bounds);

    } while ((bounds.height() < (canvas.getHeight() - pPadding)) && (paint.measureText(pLetters) < (canvas.getWidth() - pPadding)));

    pMesuredTextWidth = paint.measureText(pLetters);
    pBoundsTextHeight = bounds.height();

    float xOffset = ((canvas.getWidth() - pMesuredTextWidth) / 2);
    float yOffset = (int) (pBoundsTextHeight + (canvas.getHeight() - pBoundsTextHeight) / 2);
    canvas.drawText(pLetters, xOffset, yOffset, paint);

then set new LetterAvatar(context, colorCode, letters, padding) in your imageview.setdrawable


If you are asking only about avatar on the left in that ListView.

Use ImageView, and if you have user avatar - put it there, if you don't have avatar - use .drawText("R") function to draw canvas and put it in ImageView using setImageDrawable.


Judging from the image you provided above, this can be done using a custom listview. The avatar you are looking for should be an imageview in your custom layout and inflated into the listview. I suggest you start here. The gravar can be an image drawable in your resource folder,



Below is a class that generates an Image avatar both a circle and Square. Source is here

    class AvatarGenerator {
    companion object {
    lateinit var uiContext: Context
    var texSize = 0F

    fun avatarImage(context: Context, size: Int, shape: Int, name: String): BitmapDrawable {
      uiContext = context
      val width = size
      val hieght = size

      texSize = calTextSize(size)
      val label = firstCharacter(name)
      val textPaint = textPainter()
      val painter = painter()
      val areaRect = Rect(0, 0, width, width)

      if (shape == 0) {
        painter.color = RandomColors().getColor()
      } else {
        painter.color = Color.TRANSPARENT

      val bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, width, ARGB_8888)
      val canvas = Canvas(bitmap)
      canvas.drawRect(areaRect, painter)

      //reset painter
      if (shape == 0) {
        painter.color = Color.TRANSPARENT
      } else {
        painter.color = RandomColors().getColor()

      val bounds = RectF(areaRect)
      bounds.right = textPaint.measureText(label, 0, 1)
      bounds.bottom = textPaint.descent() - textPaint.ascent()

      bounds.left += (areaRect.width() - bounds.right) / 2.0f
      bounds.top += (areaRect.height() - bounds.bottom) / 2.0f

      canvas.drawCircle(width.toFloat() / 2, hieght.toFloat() / 2, width.toFloat() / 2, painter)
      canvas.drawText(label, bounds.left, bounds.top - textPaint.ascent(), textPaint)
      return BitmapDrawable(uiContext.resources, bitmap)


    private fun firstCharacter(name: String): String {
      return name.first().toString().toUpperCase()

    private fun textPainter(): TextPaint {
      val textPaint = TextPaint()
      textPaint.textSize = texSize * uiContext.resources.displayMetrics.scaledDensity
      textPaint.color = Color.WHITE
      return textPaint

    private fun painter(): Paint {
      return Paint()

    private fun calTextSize(size: Int): Float {
      return (size / 3.125).toFloat()

You can then pass context, a string, size, and the shape to generate 1/0


