A command or message or DLL call to set automatic hiding of Windows taskbar?

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2020-05-16 05:37:30


I need to set or toggle auto-hiding of Windows 10 taskbar programmatically. An action bound to a hotkey for productivity and convenience. Is there a command-line command or a DLL call which allows to achieve equivalent of flipping the following switch:

Currently I am achieving this by opening the above Settings window and sending keystrokes for search, followed by Downs and Space and Alt+F4 but it is slow and unreliable.

This question is not language-specific since DLL calls look pretty much the same everywhere, although my final implementation will be in AutoHotKey.

Expected result: After running the command, the Windows Explorer will change its behavior as if the setting Automatically hide the taskbar in desktop mode was enabled (or disabled or toggled).


It is ABM_SETSTATE message.

After finding the proper Windows message I have also found the implementation in AutoHotKey:

ABS_NORMAL      := 0x0
ABS_AUTOHIDE    := 0x1
VarSetCapacity(APPBARDATA, 36, 0)
Address := NumPut(36, APPBARDATA)
Address := NumPut(WinExist("ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd"), Address + 0)
NumPut(ABS_NORMAL, Address + 24)
DllCall("Shell32.dll\SHAppBarMessage", UInt, ABM_SETSTATE, UInt, &APPBARDATA)

Change the parameter in the second line from the bottom from ABS_NORMAL to ABS_AUTOHIDE to achieve the expected other state.

