How to add vertices to gremlin server in a batch from Gremlin.NET?

跟風遠走 提交于 2020-05-12 08:28:38


I am trying to populate a graph running in gremlin server with data from my SQL database. I would like to read the data from the database, iterate over the results and add them to the graph. This is done in a c# program so I am using Gremlin.NET bytecode.

I CAN do this by doing the c# equivalent of the example found here:

And the c# equivalent of the answer found here:

Adding multiple vertices, changing one property-value (tinkerpop3 + python GLV)

However, I'd like to take a more functional approach. In both of these answers you have to start a traversal by adding the first vertex in your set and then you can chain off of that in something like a for loop. Is it possible to not have to add first vertex and then begin to chain other additions?

I am trying to avoid adding the first vertex and then looping because the database set might not have any results. If that is the case then I have to add an 'if' statements in order to properly handle the scenario. I'd also like to avoid having to inject a script and stick with bytecode. ie running something like


I have also thought about adding a dummy vertex to start the traversal and then I can go into looping through adding the actual vertices I want to add. Afterwards I could then remove this dummy vertex. For reasons that I hope are obvious the dummy vertex idea feels like the wrong approach.

