How do I provide to my customers the ability to map their custom domains with my SAAS app?

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2020-04-16 02:41:04


I am working on a MEAN stack SAAS application where I provide each user with their own unique subdomain. For example, the user John Doe has the following subdomain to his name:

Now, if John, the user, wants to map his subdomain to his own custom domain or subdomain, for instance,, he should be able to do that.

How can I accomplish this?

I am looking for steps to accomplish this using NGINX and Node js in a manner that will lead to minimal changes to our existing code base.

I have searched the internet, and I was unable to find a resource that can serve as a step-by-step guide to help me solve this problem.

I know that the solution would involve the creation of Server Blocks to handle wildcard subdomains using NGINX, but I am not sure about the exact steps that will have to be implemented to get this done.

