Google Play Billing method “queryPurchaseHistoryAsync” not getting all purchases

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2020-03-26 05:34:30


I have 4 subscription types in the app I'm developing. Two monthly (one with discount) and two yearly (one with discount). I am in the testing step. When I ask the purchases history I am not getting all the lasts subscriptions of each type as the documentation says. And also the purchases I get are not the lasts of each SKU type. Did anyone have this issue?

It's giving me problems with grace period as I don't get the last purchase I did so I don't get the updated expiry time.

I checked Google Play Console order management and I see the purchases, and also in my Google Play app, so I don't know what's the problem?


It's difficult to understand your situation without you providing a code snippet. But here is a general implementation of queryPurchaseHistoryAsync. If you are still having problems, please provide more context such as your actual code snippet and where you are making the call. For the following snippet -- just for testing -- I am making the call right before I call queryPurchases.

private fun queryPurchaseHistoryAsync(){
        responseCode, purchasesList ->
            Log.d(LOG_TAG,"history for SUBS is empty")
            Log.d(LOG_TAG,"history subs has ${purchasesList.size} items : ${purchasesList.toString()}")
        responseCode, purchasesList ->
            Log.d(LOG_TAG,"history for INAPP is empty")
            Log.d(LOG_TAG,"history INAPP has ${purchasesList.size} items : ${purchasesList.toString()}")

Also in my cases, I have no problem getting the purchase histories.

