How do I get rid of this unwanted bar from Eclipse?

我是研究僧i 提交于 2020-03-12 07:05:51


When coding in Eclipse(Indigo), I accidentally hit a combination of keys which made this bar appear when I was doing some shortcuts. This question has probably being answered before but since I don't know the exact name of the bar googling the problem has being fruitless. I've spent two hours trying to fix it. So anyone know how to get rid of this bar in the image below?


The bar you are talking about is the breadcrumbs.

To remove it, look at your toolbar which should more or less look like this:

Then, click that button that is on the very far right. It looks like a little C with a green circle, a black triangle, and some small blue thing in the back. Find that button on your eclipse toolbar and click it to show/hide breadcrumbs.

If you don't see it, let me know, and I can try to figure out which toolbar it is a part of.


Using the Scala View, I neither had the icon mentioned in the accepted answer nor did Alt+Shift+B work.

What did work for me: Right click in the unwanted breadcrumb bar and click Hide Breadcrumb.


When you right-click the breadcrumb bar, you need to right-click one of the words. Just clicking the bar does not work


right click on the breadcrum and click hide beadcrumb option.


just click the button next new class button and problem solved. And If you want breadcrumb just hit alt+shift+B. hit the link for image


Adding on to the other answers, the "toggle breadcrumb" button may be in an alternate location on the toolbar as in this image:

