How to add Options to particular attribute options in magento

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2020-03-06 04:51:50


I want to add options against each attribute options in magento. Dont know how this is possible.

Suppose i have an attribute size which has 3 options like small , medium , large

Now i want to add options against each options.

like for small i want to add 22,24,26

for medium i want to add 28,30

for large i want to add 32,34

please check the image below

here fabric has lot of options like house linen cotton , brush linen cotton, soft wool, etc

here each options has lot of fabric options.


I'm not sure if it's a cultural/language thing, but it's unclear what you're asking. Based on the comments above though — it sounds like you're confused about configurable product pricing. The way configurable product pricing works is the base product price come from the configurable price, and then each attribute value can have a price modifier.

In a stock system there's no way to have a configured product price come from the resulting simple product. There's a few extensions out there to do it for you, but I'm not sure which ones work with the latest version of Magento, so google/the Magento Stack Exchange is your friend there.

Implementing this yourself is more complicated than a simple Stack Exchange answer can provide — you'll need to understand the relationships between the product model, product type instance, and promotion rules to full implement something like this.

Good luck.

