Ajax form action not triggered in Sails.js

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2020-03-04 19:38:09


I created an action in Sails.js to create an entry in a database (add a customer). Then I created a form in EJS. (My code is based on the signup route / form)

I have my Customer.js models

I have my view-create-customer.js

I have my create-customer.page.js

I have my controller "action" create-customer.js

cloud.setup.js has "createCustomer":{"verb":"POST","url":"/api/v1/entrance/create-customer","args":["customerName","status"]}

In routes.js I have :

'POST /api/v1/entrance/create-customer': { action: 'entrance/create-customer' },

The ajax-form in my EJS Form I have :

<ajax-form action="createCustomer" :syncing.sync="syncing" :cloud-error.sync="cloudError" @submitted="submittedForm()" :handle-parsing="handleParsingForm">

The form displays just fine, but nothing happens when I click submit. No error, no ajax triggered.

I tried to POST to the API url with POSTMAN and my customer was created as expected.

Any idea ?

