AngularJS 1.7.9 : how to debug “Possibly unhandled rejection: {}”?

血红的双手。 提交于 2020-03-04 07:31:27


I am aware of siiar questions, such as Angularjs 1.7.9 - Possibly unhandled rejection and those mentioned in it as duplicates.

However, my code does not use promises (that I am aware of; certainly no $promise or $http).

I am just knocking up a simple ui-router demo for a friend. It is just two views, each with a button that toggles to the other view. It works just fine with AngulrJs 1.5, and breaks with the above error in 1.7.

A simple as it is, it's a bit too much code to post. In case, rather than finding the error in my code, I woudl like a canonical answer to help others who read this question in future : how to go about denugging this error message?

Error: transition failed (caused by "Possibly unhandled rejection: {}")

at r [as $get] (http://localhost/common/js/third_party/ui-router_zero_pint_2_point_11/angular-ui-router.min.js:7:11365)  
at Object.invoke (http://localhost/common/js/third_party/angular-1_point_7_point_9/angular.min.js:45:62)  
at http://localhost/common/js/third_party/angular-1_point_7_point_9/angular.min.js:46:365  
at d (http://localhost/common/js/third_party/angular-1_point_7_point_9/angular.min.js:43:495)  
at e (http://localhost/common/js/third_party/angular-1_point_7_point_9/angular.min.js:44:235)  
at Object.invoke (http://localhost/common/js/third_party/angular-1_point_7_point_9/angular.min.js:44:320)  
at http://localhost/common/js/third_party/angular-1_point_7_point_9/angular.min.js:47:18  
at r (http://localhost/common/js/third_party/angular-1_point_7_point_9/angular.min.js:8:76)  
at fb (http://localhost/common/js/third_party/angular-1_point_7_point_9/angular.min.js:46:499)  
at c (http://localhost/common/js/third_party/angular-1_point_7_point_9/angular.min.js:22:57)  


The latest version of UI-router (1.0.25) solved the problem. Feel free to post an answer.

You will get a more informative stack trace if you use angular.js instead of angular.min.js and angular-ui-router.js instead of angular-ui-router.min.js. Angular-UI-Router uses promises in its transition module. It looks like you upgraded your version of AngularJS without upgrading the version of Angular-UI-Router. Upgrade your router from V0.2.11 to V0.4.3. It looks like your problem is caused by sloppy Angular-UI-Router code. If they didn't fix the issue by V0.4.3, you can either patch the library or live with the messages.

Debugging "possibly unhandled rejection"

The stack trace will show the file and the line number from which the error originates. Examine the code and fix the problem. If the error orginates in a third- party library, try upgrading to the latest version or contacting the third-party library vendor.

As a last resort, disable the "possibly unhandled rejection" messages:

app.config(functon ($qProvider) {

This is not recommended as it allows other problems to silently fail.

If one doesn't care about a specific promise failing, add a .catch handler:

$http(config).then(function(response) {
}).catch(function(response) {
   //I don't care about errors
   if (debug) console.log(response);
   //Re-throw error response
   throw response;

Upgrading AngularJS

When upgrading AngularJS, it is best to upgrade all of the AngularJS modules at the same time. That is when migrating from angular.js@1.4 to angular.js@1.5, at the same time upgrade to angular-animate@1.5, angular-resource@1.5, angular-route.js@1.5, etc. I have seen unpleasant problems when trying to mix and match versions of AngularJS modules.

When migrating, I recommend upgrading one minor version at a time. For example, upgrade from V1.4 to V1.5 first, fix what breaks, then upgrade to V1.6.

The current version is 1.7.9 pollution-eradication (2019-11-19). I recommend using the latest version as the AngularJS team has committed to fixing security bugs only in both V1.2.x and the latest version. For more information, see

  • AngularJS Developer Guide - Migrating from Previous Versions
  • AngularJS Version Support Status - Long Term Support

Upgrading Angular-UI-Router

UI-Router for AngularJS has two major versions

Version 0.4.3 UI-Router-Legacy

Version 1.0.25 UI-Router for AngularJS

I recommend upgrading to the latest version of UI-Router-Legacy before migrating to the latest version of UI-Router for AngularJS. There have been major breaking changes between the two and it is best to deal with it incrementally.

For more informaton, see

  • Angular-UI Guide: UI-Router 1.0 Migration


One way to debug ui-router is the following:

From the console inject the $state service typing the following:

var test = angular.element(document.body).injector().get('$state');

Then simulate and perform the transition that causes the problem:

test.go('root.details') // use the state url here

After that, details of the transition will be printed in console. Into $$state object, you may find more details about the failed transition and reasons of failure:

