Picture property format using run with friends fb app

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2020-03-03 07:49:25


I am editing the Runwithfriends FB sample app to build one of my own. It was working fine and I was making a few changes here and there. I took a break from it for about a fortnight but now when I try to access the app, I get a strange python error:

C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps\ROOT\app\main.py in init_facebook(self=<main.RecentRunsHandler object>) 316 user_id=facebook.user_id, friends=friends, 317 access_token=facebook.access_token, name=me[u'name'], => 318 email=me.get(u'email'), picture=me[u'picture']) 319 user.put() 320 except KeyError, ex:

<..some portion clipped..>

class 'google.appengine.api.datastore_errors.BadValueError'>: Property picture must be a str or unicode instance, not a dict args = ('Property picture must be a str or unicode instance, not a dict',) message = 'Property picture must be a str or unicode instance, not a dict'"

I know this is a very generic error but its pointing to the following code. This code has always been there and I have never touched it. I really do not know where else to look now - I have searched exhaustively but couldnt find a clue. Sorry, if this is still too broad but I would be glad if you can tell me what other info can I provide to debug this :-(

def init_facebook(self):
    """Sets up the request specific Facebook and User instance"""
    facebook = Facebook()
    user = None

    # initial facebook request comes in as a POST with a signed_request
    if u'signed_request' in self.request.POST:
        # we reset the method to GET because a request from facebook with a
        # signed_request uses POST for security reasons, despite it
        # actually being a GET. in webapp causes loss of request.POST data.
        self.request.method = u'GET'
            'u', facebook.user_cookie, datetime.timedelta(minutes=1440))
    elif 'u' in self.request.cookies:

    # try to load or create a user object
    if facebook.user_id:
        user = User.get_by_key_name(facebook.user_id)
        if user:
            # update stored access_token
            if facebook.access_token and \
                    facebook.access_token != user.access_token:
                user.access_token = facebook.access_token
            # refresh data if we failed in doing so after a realtime ping
            if user.dirty:
            # restore stored access_token if necessary
            if not facebook.access_token:
                facebook.access_token = user.access_token

        if not user and facebook.access_token:
            me = facebook.api(u'/me', {u'fields': _USER_FIELDS})
                friends = [user[u'id'] for user in me[u'friends'][u'data']]
                user = User(key_name=facebook.user_id,
                    user_id=facebook.user_id, friends=friends,
                    access_token=facebook.access_token, name=me[u'name'],
                    email=me.get(u'email'), picture=me[u'picture'])
            except KeyError, ex:
                pass # ignore if can't get the minimum fields

    self.facebook = facebook
    self.user = user


Might have to do with the October 2012 Breaking Changes, quote:

/picture connection will return a dictionary when a callback is specified

We will start returning a dictionary containing the fields url, height, width, and is_silhouette when accessing the /picture connection for an object and specifying a callback property. Currently we just return the picture URL as a string.

So at this point in your code, where you are currently using picture=me[u'picture'], try accessing the url property of the picture dictionary instead. (If it has one; I can’t tell you for sure if this is applicable, since I don’t know if your code would be considered as having specified a callback property.)

If my assumption is correct, you could also enable the migration as described in the roadmap; but that will only make your app work in the old way until Oct. 3rd, so probably better to try and fix it right away.


This is the way to get the picture:


