how to merge two tables to get the last new rows from table 2 and the rest from table 1

流过昼夜 提交于 2020-02-29 04:38:48


i have a problem with joins on two tables into an oracle database, and i can't do that it works. if you see on the image you can two options.

i execute this query:

SELECT f.id_hist, f.producto, f.price
FROM TABLE(fnc_historical('JAP')) f
    inner join new_table g on (f.id_new <> g.id_hist)
SELECT f.id_hist, f.producto, g.new_price
FROM TABLE(fnc_historical('JAP')) f
    inner join new_table g on (f.id_new = g.id_hist)

for option/case 1 it works!

but for option/case 2 this query return empty, no rows. and the idea is that must resturn all row from historical information.

Can somebody help me?

Thanks so much.


Just use NOT IN to find the records unmatched with new_table g, and gather with the records retrieved by INNER JOIN

SELECT f.id_hist, f.producto, f.price
FROM TABLE(fnc_historical('JAP')) f
WHERE f.id_hist NOT IN
FROM TABLE(fnc_historical('JAP')) f
    inner join new_table g on (f.id_new = g.id_hist)
SELECT f.id_hist, f.producto, g.new_price
FROM TABLE(fnc_historical('JAP')) f
    inner join new_table g on (f.id_new = g.id_hist)


I think you are looking for a left join?

SELECT f.id_hist, f.producto,
       COALESCE(g.price, f.price) as price
FROM TABLE(fnc_historical('JAP')) f LEFT JOIN
     new_table g 
     ON f.id_new = g.id_hist;

