Multiclass classification: probabilities and calibration

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2020-02-21 07:02:04


I'm working on a multiclass classification problem with different classifiers, working with Python and scikit-learn. I want to use the predicted probabilities, basically to compare the predicted probabilities of the different classifiers for a specific case.

I started reading about 'calibration' (here and here for example) and I became confused.

For what I understood: a well-calibrated probability means that that a probability also reflects the fraction of a certain class.

1) Does this imply that if I have 10 equally distributed classes, the calibrated probabilities would ideally be around 0.1 for every class?

2) Can I interpret the probabilities of predict_proba (without calibration) as 'how certain is the classifier about this being the correct class'?

Hopefully, someone can clarify this for me! :)

