Unable to get POST request working in Excel custom functions

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2020-02-06 06:40:09


We are currently implementing custom functions in our app, and have been unable to get POST requests working.

What we have tried:

  • POST using fetch (exact function works in latest Chrome)
  • POST using axios, and transpiling down (exact function works in latest Chrome)
  • Adding and removing cors() middleware on our backend expressjs server

Are we missing an implementation detail? I read something brief about simple CORS, but wanted to reach out to see if there was a piece we are forgetting.


Are you testing on Excel for Windows, or Excel Online (aka Excel on the Web)? Currently full CORS is not supported yet in custom functions if you are running it in Excel for Windows. However it should work if you run it in Excel Online and Excel for Mac.

