Code Coverage GCov not working with XCode 4.2 and iOS SDK 5

梦想与她 提交于 2020-01-30 06:45:30


I've been trying to get GCov working with Xcode 4.2Build 4D199 on Lion with iOS SDK 5.0 to no avail. Has anyone had any luck with this? I'm using Google Tools For Mac for my unit tests and I've linked in libprofile_rt.dylib and added:

"OTHER_CFLAGS[arch=*]" = (

as indicated on the Coverstory page here But when I find . -name *.gcda" I come up empty. What am I missing?


GCov is no longer supported in XCode 4.2. You'll note that if you go their "man page" for it, XCode 4.2 is not an option in the drop down list. Furthermore, if you look at the compile, it's using "c++", which is linked to llvm-g++-4.2. They now exclusively use the Clang/LLVM tool chain (which in turn often makes use of the gcc tool chain) instead of giving you the option of directly using the gcc tool chain. A consequence of this is that doing code coverage in XCode4 with gcov is no longer directly available. This also can affect compiles using CMake that bypass XCode 4. That first link gives you instructions on how to change your project to use profile_rt instead of gcov.


How to generate coverage test reports (Xcode 4.5 edition)

  1. cd to your Xcode project and type

    git clone
    cd XcodeCoverage
    tar -zxvf lcov-1.10.tar.gz
  2. Set the following build properties on both your main target and your SentestKit target, but only for the Debug configuration (expand the node, there are Debug and Release entries):

    Generate Profiling code       Yes
    Generate Test Coverage Files  Yes
    Instrument Program Flow       Yes
  3. Install Xcode command line tools: Xcode > Preferences > Downloads > Command Line Tools.

  4. In your main target, add a “Run Script” build phase to execute ./XcodeCoverage/

  5. Build your application, and run the tests.

  6. Generate the coverage report from the XcodeCoverage typing: ./getcov
    Upon completion, the script will launch a browser with the html output.

If reports are not generated try this:

  • Edit the plist of your application and add the following:
    Then run your application and press Home. This will quit cleanly and generate the gcda files.
  • If it still doesn't work, try using the iPad simulator instead.

For more tips and tricks check the talk Code Coverage on iOS by Richard Buckle.

