NetBeans design view size - zooming in/out

孤街醉人 提交于 2020-01-30 05:23:00


Quick question - is it possible to zoom in / out the Design view in NetBeans?

I am making an app in Java that has a fixed frame size (my laptop's fullscreen) and I can't see the whole frame in the design view what is a bit inconvenient. I found information that is possible to zoom in/out the code (the source view) but can't find anything on the design view and cannot find such a functionality.


Currently there is no such thing developed to Zoom in/out Design View in Netbeans. As you mentioned, yes, there is a plugin to resize the Source Code window (here). All we can do is just hope for NetBeans to provide this feature to all its users in its next update.


Try the combination of Alt + mouse wheel ;-)

