How to update a constant term of a constraint in Gurobi

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2020-01-26 04:07:26


I am facing a problem where I must call the Gurobi engine iteratively. Between runs, I have to update the constant term in some of the constraints. I check the manual book in which I find GRBModel::chgCoeff() could be used to change the coefficient of variables in the constraint but there is no function related to changing the constant term. Any idea to do that? Thank you!


I think that you have to set the RHS attribute of the Linear Constraint object. So, if constr is your constraint, something like

constr.Set(GRB.DoubleAttr.RHS, 329);

(this is C#, I guess you use C++, so the case of some of the letters may be different...).

