Align Nested Table Headers Using jQuery

不羁的心 提交于 2020-01-25 12:29:22


I have a standard html table and inside its rows there are nested tables. These nested tables are generated by a plugin and I have no choice but to use this layout.

The problem I am facing is that the nested tables fit inside the second column of the parent table. And I need to put headers above the nested table columns and vertically align them with the header for the first column of parent table.

I would like to achieve this using jQuery. I have made an example of how my current layout looks like, the column headers that I wish to align have been given a background color of red. Here is the example:

<script src="">        </script>
<table class="outer-table">
    <th>Heading 1</th>
            Content 1
                    <th>Heading 1.1</th>
                    <th>Heading 1.2</th>
                            Content 1.1
                            Content 1.2
            Content 2
                    <th>Heading 2.1</th>
                    <th>Heading 2.2</th>
                            Content 2.1
                            Content 2.2

    function styleHeaders(){
    //Hide all except the first nested headers.
    $(".outer-table table").find("thead").not(":eq(0)").css('display', 'none');

    //Move first nested table header up.
    $(".outer-table table").find("thead:eq(0)").css('background-color', 'red');



I hope someone can help, thank you.


Would a negative margin be a good enough work around ? DEMO

table tr:first-of-type table {
    margin:-1.6em 0 0;/* needs to be tuned to numbers of lines + border-spacing */

<edit> okay, just seeing answers already given via class + j query </edit>


Check out this example, new class moved with negative margin is being added a very first table with headings , line 7. Don't know if it breaks the rest of your layout




.moved {
    margin-top: -25px;

