ASP: ontextchanged not firing

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2020-01-25 04:22:12


Note: I am brand new at ASP.NET. I'm actually going to training on Monday, but we have a hot project that required me to dive in and get done as much as I can.

I've got a textbox on my page, and I would like it to call an event on the server whenever it is changed. I don't care if "changed" means changed and loses focus, or just whenever a keyup happens. Either case will work.

The issue is that, for some reason, whenever I change my textbox and then remove focus, the server-side method is not getting called. Viewing through the debugger in Chrome, I don't even see any sort of AJAX call being made that would inform the server that a textbox was changed.

My Code:


    <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel2" runat="server">
            <asp:TextBox ID="tempTagBuilder" runat="server" 
                ontextchanged="tempTagBuilder_TextChanged" AutoPostBack="True"></asp:TextBox>

ASCX.cs File

    //whenever the text is changed
    protected void tempTagBuilder_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

Anyone have a good idea of what my issue might be?

Update 1:

I got it working (somewhat). I had to go into the updatepanel's properties and add the textchanged event to the triggers collection. However, now whenever it sends the update it is emptying out the other textboxes on my page!


It doesn't fire because it's in an update panel most likely. Seems the updatepanel requires you to set a trigger for the event.

Problem with textbox inside updatepanel - not causing OnTextChanged event

