OData substringof or startswith returning all items

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2020-01-24 02:41:08


I'm trying to filter my results from a Rest Call.

    type: "GET",
    headers: {
        "Accept": "application/json;odata=verbose"
    dataType: "JSON",
    url: _spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl + "/_api/lists/getByTitle('Contacts')/items?$select=Title,Id&$startswith('Title','" + request.term + "') eq true",
    success: function (data) {
    error: function (ex) {

In my Contacts List i'm trying to retrieve the Title and the Id for Items which start with a String or which have the String somewhere in it, here for example it is the Name of somebody.

I also tried it with substringof:

"/_api/lists/getByTitle('Contacts')/items?$select=Title,Id&$substringof(" + request.term + ",'Title') eq true"

which delivers also the same result.

It gives me all List Items from the List and no Filtering is applied. I build the Url for the Rest after looking here Programming using the SharePoint 2013 REST service Like the Schema given there I think the Url looks ok, but it not seems so :)


Applying the $filter like in the OData Uri Conventions gives me the following error:

{"error":{"code":"-1, Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException","message":{"lang":"en-US","value":"The query is not valid."}}}

Tried it with following Query Strings:

_api/lists/getByTitle('Contacts')/items?$select=Title,Id&$filter=substringof(m,'Title') eq true

_api/lists/getByTitle('Contacts')/items?$select=Title,Id&$filter=substringof('m','Title') eq true

_api/lists/getByTitle('Contacts')/items?$select=Title,Id&$filter=substringof('m',Title) eq true


I've managed to get the filter with substringof returning the correct results when I removed the "eq true".

Using one of your query strings, it should work like this:


I haven't checked any other functions, but at least, the same happens with startswith function.


For anyone looking at this question, I can report that


IS working for me.


I tried your query URI on my endpoint and applied some changes: - The second parameter of the substring shouldn't be a string, so I removed the apostropes

After this I get the results:


My endpoint is standard WCF Data Service, and the filter is working.

If changing the URI still returns all records, that would be a SherePoint trick I guess. What happens if you put 'zzz' or some random string in the filter?


Check http://www.odata.org/documentation/odata-v2-documentation/uri-conventions/ for the correct uri convention.

Should be

/items?$select=Title,Id&$filter=substringof(" + request.term + ",'Title') eq true"

So with the $filter included


Also, the contains method works and I've had better compatibility with it. The syntax is:


