Unable to get unpack-dependencies to run before jar:jar,

落花浮王杯 提交于 2020-01-23 18:21:09


I cannot get maven-dependency-plugin/unpack-dependencies to run before maven-jar-plugin/jar when running mvn clean install from the command line.

Every time, I see it running jar:jar before the unpack stuff runs, I saw in my googling some talk of adding a pre-package phase to the maven lifecycle, doesn't seem to be working thought.

Basically I want to create a single jar file containing all necessary classes (all 2600 of them). This jar gets a Manifest which enables it to be run in the manner of:

java -jar blah.jar 

If I ever get it to work...

And here's the xml snippet...



In your original question, replace the phase with the following phase.


this will cause the jars to be extracted first. For your problem, the shade solution is better, but I will still post this here as a reference for other with similar problems where shade does not help.

The output path is set to make sure that jar's contents end up in dir that the jar:jar goal packages (target/classes).

Full plugin execution xml snippet:




I had similiar issue with single jar creation. My solutions incorporates standard maven-dependency plugin with unpack goal (unpacks all dependencies during compile process and move it into custom outputDirectory. The secret is, JAR plugin takes all from target/classes directory and packs as a one JAR.

That's why I defined custom outputDirectory. Have a look at the code below:






You may run it by identifying the goal sequentially as

"mvn clean dependency:unpack jar:jar install"

I hope this may help you to achieve the requirement


Charlee Ch.

