What are all the NHibernate HiLo generator params?

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2020-01-22 19:04:22


I've seen some docs by Fabio Maulo that shows the following params:

<id name="Id" type="Int64" column="cat_id">
    <generator class="hilo">
            <param name="table">hi_value</param>
            <param name="column">next_value</param>
            <param name="max_lo">100</param>

However, on this question the poster uses a <param name="schema">... I'd like to be able to specify schema for the HiLo generator.

Is there definitive documentation for all generator parameters? I've tried googling it without success.


Another param to throw in the mix is

<param name="where">TableName='CmsLogin'</param>

This gives you the ability to have different counters per entity rather than a counter for all entities.

However I have not seen a way to specify the schema as a param so I think you need to go with creating a separate HiLo Key table for each unique schema in the database.


According to the source, the full list is: "table", "column", "max_lo", "schema", "catalog" and "where", but I don't know if they are all being used. These are defined in classes NHibernate.Id.TableGenerator and NHibernate.Id.TableHiLoGenerator .

