php bind_param is not working

余生颓废 提交于 2020-01-16 14:53:10


i'm having weird results from php $stmt->bind_param, here is what happens... if i do this $status="something"; $var=5;

$consulta="UPDATE carrito SET status='$status' WHERE id_carrito='$var'";

and prepare and execute it works... but as soon as i do this:

$consulta="UPDATE carrito SET status=? WHERE id_carrito=?";

it stops working, vars, are ok i print them after the execute and they have the correct value actually, i don't get any error from php, query executes, it just dont save values on mysql db also, i want to mention this is not the first time i work with prepared statements i've doing this for a while now, i'm not an expert yet, but this has never happened to me before i know there is something wrong with bind_param, but i don't find any information thanks.

here is complete code

/*_____________________ DATOS DE CONEXION _________________________*/

$mysqli = new mysqli('localhost', 'root', '', 'ambarb');

        echo "Connection Failed: " . mysqli_connect_errno();
/*_____________________ fin de los datos de conexion _______________*/
  $consulta="UPDATE carrito SET status='$status' WHERE id_carrito=$idcarrito";
    $resultado['status']='error al preparar la consulta PHP ERROR CODE ';
 echo json_encode($resultado);
//echo "el ide del carrito ".$idcarrito;
that code actually works, prints $resultado['status']=ok, but i think is not the point, because as soon as i change for this $consulta="UPDATE carrito SET status=? WHERE id_carrito=?"; with respective bind_param it stops working, i mean prints $resultado['status']=ok, but doesn't make anychange at database


You used a $var variable in first sentence, and $idcarrito in the second one. Could that be the problem ?


I wrote a class that extends mysqli. It handles all the bind_params automatically and makes using mysqli easy. You can download the class here: better_mysqli.php

This page shows it's basic usage: basic_usage.php

This page shows detailed usage: detailed_usage.php

