How to extract file name from random image <img> tags in Open Office

瘦欲@ 提交于 2020-01-16 14:31:08


I have about 1500 items in an Open Office CSV file like this:

<a href=\http://localhost:81/rare_posts/?attachment_id=9044\"><img class=\"alignright size-medium wp-image-9044\" title=\"200064 British medical association\" src=\"http://localhost:81/books_posts/wp-content/uploads/British-medical-association-300x202.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"300\" height=\"202\" /></a>

What I need to do is find just the image (British-medical-association-300x202.jpg) and place this into the next cell. I am assuming there must be some way for me to run a command in Open Office to find all instances of uploads/, the point where we start stripping out all the text after this point and stop at .jpg?

Many thanks!


OpenOffice has no formula function to return a match by a regex. It does support regex search if you enable regular expressions in the options.

You can go with two formulas to extract one occurence per cell (without using a regex search). One to find the left end and one to find the right end:

Assuming the data is in A1

B1   =MID(A1;FIND("uploads/";A1)+8;LEN(A1))
C1   =LEFT(B1;FIND("\";B1)-1)

If you have more than one occurence per cell, you can clone the formulas and supply the first FIND a third parameter, where to start searching (past the first occurence).

