Delete Specific Items from NSMutableArray

北战南征 提交于 2020-01-15 09:15:19


I'm trying to perform the relatively simple task of deleting the items in an NSMutableArray that fit a certain criteria.

In this particular case, I'd like to delete the items where all of the following are true:

  • city: Seattle
  • state: WA
  • timestamp: more than 60 seconds old

An NSLog of my array looks like this:

array = (
            city = "Seattle";
            state = "WA";
            timestamp = 1432844384;
            city = "Dallas";
            state ="TX";
            timestamp = 1432844415;
            city = "Seattle";
            state = "WA";
            timestamp = 1432845329;

I've tried using NSPredicate to filter the array, but I think that may be overcomplicating things. Any recommendations would be great! Thank you!


You could get the indexes of such elements by using indexesOfObjectsPassingTest: (see docs)

NSIndexSet *indexes = [array indexesOfObjectsPassingTest:^BOOL(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
    // check if obj is matching all your criteria

Then remove the items using removeObjectsAtIndexes: (see docs)

[array removeObjectsAtIndexes:indexes];


No, filtering out the items to delete and then deleting them is the right way. It iw not complicated, because obviously getting the specified items is filtering with a predicate + deleting them is deleting them. How could a solution be less complicated?

Maybe it is easier to you, to filter out the items not to delete. Simply add a NOT to your predicate.


Here your timestamp is unique every time. So you have delete data base on timestamp.

First you have to get index of that timestamp from that array.

NSInteger index = [[array valueForKey:@"timestamp"] indexOfObject:timestamp];

After getting this index of array you have to delete data from that index.

[array removeObjectAtIndex:index];

